Wednesday, August 4, 2010

finished...a few days late...but finished

my FB status 10:30pm 8/4/10: gosh, this support raising summer has been long & faith stretching....but I'm going to sleep tonight with a grin...the Lord managed to bring in $2,414 in TWO days. :) never under estimate a God who is in COMPLETE control. DONE!

let me expand on this a little bit more...
The past 3 summers I have raised financial support for Crusade. We get paid because faithful people give towards the ministry in my name. It's never been a huge challenge but this summer it was a MAJOR challenge. I had around $900 a month drop from my team. That is close to $11,000 (considering the entire year)...BLOW to my staff account. Because I've shifted to part time I raised less. If I had to raise more then I would be in trouble. It would take an act of God for real. :)

August 1st was my deadline. August 2nd I got a phone call that told me that I had to be bumped down to tier 2 of the part time category. For us financially, that would be HARD on our budget. I was only short $2,414 when I got that phone call Monday evening. I sent out an email to my staff team & posted it on facebook to please pray. Before I went to bed last night all of that money had been committed & making it's way to my staff account. PRAISE GOD! When I reflect back even further...July 20th I still needed $7,000. 2 weeks later and all in. CRAZY!

Teddy and I were constantly praying for this. I know lots of my friends & family were praying too. I'm SO very grateful for you. If you are interested in giving towards the ministry you definitely still can. There is always the chance that people might drop from my team during the year. It's better to raise a little bit over to be safe & get full pay checks. You can go to to give directly to me.

Plus, you should DEFINITELY check out this video (only 5 mins). It's so sweet & displays the amazing students within our ministry. And you get a glimpse into what our ministry is all about across the nation & world. Go Go Go & be encouraged!


Work starts up again this Monday. We have staff dinner that night & Tuesday-Thurs we have 3 hour meetings. Then Friday we have a half day with the Lord & a short meeting. We will be chasing details through out the week too. The next week will probably look the same & then we will be back on campus. Helping freshmen move in, hosting a party for our leaders, giving out free food, giving out free shirts, trying to serve students on campus, and the first day of school is also a Thursday--CRU we will have our first CRU meeting the first day of school. Just typing all this makes me feel tired, but also VERY excited to meet new little freshmen who are scared to death about their first semester of college. I love that our ministry can help put them at ease. :)

Kim & brett are almost home from their honeymoon & my friend Katie Webb is about to be hitched in 2 days! I literally knew of at least one person getting married the past 5 weekends. Multiple during one weekend. It's fun! :) I'm sad I can't make it to Katie's wedding in North Carolina....but gosh her bridal pictures were AMAZING. She will be a stunning bride!!

Oh and can I just say...I went to Dollar tree earlier this morning. We needed a dry erase board for our fridge (help organize dinners & grocery list) & teddy needed some black pens for work. I just walked around the store for a little bit shocked at everything they have that is ONE dollar. Sure, i've been in the store before...but now that we are married & on a budget my eyes are OPENED. Even kitchen junk..they have anything..even cleaning supplies. Sure some of the stuff you might not want to buy for just $1 because it could fall apart quickly. But I still think it might be worth it if it's only $1. ok ok..enough!

I need to write thank you notes...i'm out. :)

1 comment:

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