Monday, May 23, 2011

sleeping stories

When Teddy and I got married we had no idea what to expect when it comes to sleeping habits. Luckily, neither of us are crazy sleepers. We don't normally have to fight for covers or push the other one back on their side. We stay put!

At times Teddy likes to talk in his sleep. Typically, he falls asleep before me. I will stay up reading or on my computer. It will happen around 1-2 hours in the beginning of him sleeping.

Two nights ago we got to bed late after hanging out with friends. So his "show" happened around 12:30am. He literally dove out of the bed head first landing hard on the floor. I was already asleep, but this clearly woke me up. I heard, "What the heck?" from him (asleep). I initially thought he fell out of bed on accident.

I asked him what in the world he was doing (a tad annoyed). He said (while obviously still out of it) he was looking for the small square pillows. Got back in bed and went back to snoozing. I woke him up probably 10 minutes later because he really weirded me out. He proceeded to tell me he was dreaming about Cheese-it's (the small squares) and that there were some on the floor. He was awake at this point when he was talking.

Needless to say, we are still laughing about this. And this is a definite first. I told him to cut it out because he will start scaring me if he isn't careful. :) And yes, I know he really can't help it...


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