Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend!

Friday night I ate dinner with the hubby and then spent the rest of my evening with girlfriends! We laughed, opened presents (birthday & late birthday gifts), and watched Tangled and stayed out WAY late. It was a lot of fun!

Saturday was a day spent shopping at Old Navy & Kohls. I walked away from old navy with 2 shirts, pair of earrings, and a necklace for less than $20! SCORE! Then at Kohls I had receive a free $10 card deal from there. So we went to see if I could find anything for our home. I found a cute L that was originally $20...on sale for $9.99...which I had that $10 card/cash deal. You get the picture, I got the sucka for FREE! :) I was thrilled!

In the afternoon we worked on our support letters for Campus Crusade. At this point we have sent out around 230 letters out asking for just one time gifts for our new staff training. In August we will make a second pass when we ask people to join our team monthly! The thing is we found out this past week that NST is WAYYY more expensive then what we thought. We were thinking around $6,000 we need to raise. Turns out it is definitely closer to $10,500 for 6 weeks. It pays for our tuition for our classes, conference, room and board (dorms), fees for classes etc. So yea...ALOT. But our mouths almost hit the floor. TRUST TRUST TRUST. That is what constantly went through my head last week. Or should I say the sweet Holy Spirit was teaching me over and over. I'm excited to start checking our mailbox. It will be SO much better getting to celebrate with Teddy when support starts coming in!!! :)

Saturday night Teddy cooked us a quick dinner at home & we went to our Easter service. It was wonderful!! There was a line to get into church! After we went to see the new Madea movie. We love Tyler Perry movies & especially Madea movies. We laughed and laughed...even going to bed that night I was STILL laughing at parts. It was good!

Sunday we obviously got to sleep in since we went to church the night before.It was GREAT to not really set an alarm. I cooked a green bean casserole and we headed over to my bosses home. The entire staff team got together for an Easter lunch. It was great! I just really enjoy any time spent with them! :)We played basketball in the backyard. I did terrible the first time I picked up the ball..literally made 0 our of 5 free throws. But then later we played knockout and I won!! I beat 5 guys. Yes, only one time...but I was excited! We stayed there all afternoon, then headed to another coffee shop to work on finishing our support letters. We did our marriage book that we do every Sunday night. Had great conversation because of the book. I LOVE THE BOOK. I might have talked about it before, but if you are newly married you need to read Starting you Marriage off Right by Dennis & Barbara Rainey with your spouse. GREAT GREAT GREAT! We have done 22 weeks of the book with 30 more left.

So that is a pretty boring post, but an update at least :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had no idea that CSU NST was so expensive for a couple...good grief! The Lord will provide!