Saturday, March 10, 2012

RM: New Marriage, Same Spouse

Sermon can be found here.

Week one of the real marriage series was great. I know many people don't see eye to eye with Mark Driscoll, but I think most of the things mentioned in this sermon in particular is spot on.

So many people in this world divorce because they need a new marriage. Their spouse isn't meet up to their expectation of marriage. So they trade that spouse for another person. But that normally ends in heart break or divorce too. People very rarely stop and consider that THEY are the one that needs works. You can remain in your marriage you are in currently, but work hard to change how you handle things, treat your spouse, and pursue Jesus and you will have the same spouse, but a completely different marriage.

Here are some take aways:

  • Satan attacks Christian marriage. He didn't show up in Genesis until AFTER Adam and Eve were married. You quickly shift from your wedding to a war against satan. FIGHT.
  • Great question: Are you drawing out your spouse or shutting them down as you work through conflict?
  • "It's more than discipline, we want to DELIGHT in our marriage."
  • Do you have a testimony or a biography? A testimony is Jesus working through your marriage/life, and biography is just about you. 
Another key thing he talked about is full disclosure in your marriage. Some people will say that what they did in their past is in the past and there is no need to talk about it with their spouse. But Mark would encourage all married/engaged couples to be completely honest about their past sin and asking for forgiveness from their spouse.  This can help healing and allow the couple to be fully open with one another. So one question he challenged all of us to ask is, "What are your secrets?" He said that most couples have secrets and they need to disclose them. Satan can use those secrets to drive a wedge between you and your spouse. Be open and honest. Christ died for your past sin too, no need to be ashamed.

Excited about the future sermons!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

See this is why I know Im not ready for marriage. It is so much work. People say it shouldnt feel like work but the thought of working 8 hours then coming home on working on my marriage doesnt sound like something I wanna get into. A lot of people dont like his suggestion about revealing secrets and past sins bc they do feel its obsolete.