Wednesday, January 11, 2012

LED Xmas lights

Sure, this might be a month late...but I meant to write on this and just forgot. Today I was watching TV and saw LED lights and I remembered!

Call me old school or whatever, but I DON'T LIKE LED Christmas lights. I'm all for saving $$ (trust me on that), but not for LED xmas lights. They look blue and I just don't like it.

I grew up with all white light only. I'm JUST now coming around to being ok with at least red and white. But thats only because my husband thinks I'm too picky about them. (sooo that might be true, but stillll) My next preference over all white would be the lights that have 2 red & 2 white (roof lights). But you put the LED lights up there and it looks like we are celebrating 4th of July in December.

Anyways, I know this is random and late...but I guess if I want to express my opinion, my blog is the place for that. :)

Until next Christmas,

1 comment:

Dena Sult said...

Omg....I feel the same way!!!! My ma had some on her dang xmas tree this year...I said, "wait, let me go get the sparklers and flaming fire balls", she's like what?!? I said, " do u see your tree all lit up like the 4th of July....I mean seriously!!! All about old fashioned white lights!!!