Sunday, August 21, 2011

feeling left out

It's so bizarre to me that for the first time in the past 20 years I am not preparing for school starting in August. Yes, I've been graduated from college for almost four years (WHOA!) but working in college ministry means I'm still on a college school schedule.

There is a ministry retreat tomorrow, most schools are starting tomorrow. I've been watching my mom plan this whole weekend. My dad preparing some stuff here and there. Reading all these statuses about school starting. We went to Walmart tonight (stupid choice) to get groceries and were overwhelmed with parents & kids EVERYWHERE trying to scramble to get last minute things. I thought to myself, "I hope I'm never that mom. Waiting to the last minute." pshh I'm sure I will be eating my words when we have 5 kids to keep up with. (God willing)

Moving on...

I'm having a hard time knowing that we are here in Fort Worth, away from everything that I'm used to in the month of August. But I also know that we HAVE to do this (step away to raise support for a while), in order to be back on campus for the years to come, ready for all the new freshmen embarking on their college journey.

I know God has us here in this season of raising support for a reason. Not only for inviting others to invest in Kingdom things, but also a season of focus on our marriage. It's like a microscope has landed in my life & picking apart all the nasty sin that is buried so deep inside me. It's hard, but good.

Here's to another week of raising support...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is transition. I miss everything Impact right now. I am doing some volunteering for Impact's National conference and its so life giving. I hate transition, its so hard and takes so long (a year to a year and a half). But your right this is the season God has us in. Just know you are not alone.