Wednesday, August 10, 2011

catch up time

It has been three weeks since my last post. We have gone from Fort Collins to Denver, Denver to Wichita Falls, WF to Lubbock, and in two days we will be headed to Fort Worth. this is just a TAD bit crazy.

We really enjoyed our summer in fort collins, but we were also excited to get back and start meeting with people to share about our ministry.

We spent a few days in Denver for some meetings. Had to take a quick trip to WF for some family stuff. In Lubbock we have had multiple meetings too. We have enjoyed getting together with people that have been supporting me the past 3 years and meeting with new people too! We have been incredibly encouraged in every appointment & loved talking about our passion!

One thing I do not enjoy is this dadgum HEAT in Texas. It's over 100 EVERYDAY. No rain. it's just plain sad! I'm SO grateful for air condition though.

On a day that it was 109, we were driving from New Mexico to WF and our car started acting up. I was driving on cruise control and it kicked off suddenly. I tried accelerating and it just wouldn't. So we pulled over & I called our insurance for road side. We don't have the coverage for that, but they were able to call the nearest towns to find a tow person. We sat there for probably 45 mins. Luckily, our A/C continued to work. We had a guy tow us 35 miles to Vernon. That tow cost us $200...SHEESH. From Vernon, Teddy's uncle/aunt came and attached a tow rope & took us the rest of the way to Wichita Falls. I wasn't exactly thrilled about that. We took our car to a mechanic only to have it sit there for a day & half before he would look at it. Once they got to it they couldn't get the car to act up. Our best guess is the fueling system is dirty/clogged. So we took the car, got premium gas (cha-ching!), and bought some cleaner stuff at the gas station. And we haven't had problems since then. We did one more tank of premium just to make sure and hoping for the best. I was told that you are suppose to clean your fuel system sometimes. I had never heard that in my entire life. So yes, cheap repairs..but expensive tow. :)

While in WF we went to a funeral too. A family friend of my family passed away suddenly. My parents even came up. We got to go to lunch with them and a big group of old church friends. It was fun to reconnect with those people. Plus, we were able to pass off many things from our car to my parents car. Making our load lighter & creating more space for clothes from our storage.

our life is crazy, seriously. I like structure & that's not what we have currently. But its only for a season. We are praying to be done raising all of our support in 6 months. That would be February of 2012. You can join us in praying for that specifically too! :) We would LOVE that!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will happily pray for that. Also have yall considered getting AAA? Its $45 a year and you get 6 tows and someone to come look at your car. Its totally worth it. Trust me!