Sunday, March 6, 2011

time is FLYING.

*warning:long post ahead*

I'm aware that I say that often. But sheesh, how is it already March?

This time last year I was ONE week away from becoming Mrs. Lytle. That's right...our anniversary is RIGHT around the corner. I'm so excited! We will be spending our anniversary in Ft. Worth. Not really by choice, because one of Teddy's best friend is getting married March 12th. We are SO excited for their wedding, but that means we can't really get anywhere fast enough to celebrate, other than Ft.Worth. But DFW has some pretty cool things! woohoo...ONE year.

I haven't wrote a real post in a while. What's new you ask?
1) Well I'm once again on the work out train. This time, motivation has stayed longer then 2 days :) I'm about to start my 3rd week of working out. My first week I worked out 4 days. Second week I did 3 days. And this week, I will probably end up doing 4 days because I do Sunday-Weds. It feels good. I've started doing classes: step & zumba. Those have helped me to maintain motivations for sure. I have enjoyed them. Plus, I do Zumba with Kim every Wednesday. And Teddy and usually work out together on Sunday's.

changing the way I eat is slowly moving in a different direction. That's the hardest part of this all. But, I am making better choices here and there. (which is a big deal) Also, learning to eat smaller portions and more throughout the day.

My goal is to fit into these cute shorts that were passed down to me from a friend. IT'S ON. :)

2) WE ARE OUT OF DEBT!!! TRUCK PAID OFF!!! $12,746.25...that is how much we paid in our first year of marriage towards debt. BOO! isn't that crazy? dadgum debt and interest. Praise God we are out of debt!! I'm proud, because we worked really hard to do this. We are trying to make some adjustments to where our "debt payment" will go. Thing is, like I told y'all a back in September (i think) we depleted our savings to $1,000....and you are suppose to keep it there until you get out of debt. Then take all your money you put towards debt and put it towards your savings and save up to 3-6 months in salary. This helps set the foundation of moving forward. But, it sucks when I've had this mentality that once we are out of debt we are DONE. It still feels like we are in debt because we are suppose to stick with the same budget, but also see why it's important to have that emergency fund between $5,000-$25,000. (again, according to Dave Ramsey)

3)Last week Teddy and I had a conversation about our time management. We have spent the past 6 months going from one thing to the next with our only night completely at home being Tuesday & Sunday's. It was difficult for us. Mostly because he gets off work at 6:30pm and our activites start at 7:15 (Monday night prayer at church) and 7:30 (small group on Wednesday) and then we are gone on Thursday nights 5-10pm normally for Cru weekly meeting & leadership training for my job. And then all of the month of Feb Teddy had to work every weekend for 12 hour shifts, instead of the normal every other weekend only 8 hours. We felt disconnected. We decided to nix Monday night prayer for now. Once he has a different job in life, we probably won't be getting off at 6:30, but hopefully 5:00pm. Then, it's not going to feel like we are rushing every where and feel the free to start going to Prayer again. We think this is a good step for us & the health of our marriage!

Ok, that will be all for now. I might think of more things later and write again. Hope you are doing wonderful!!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

YAY! That is AMAZING! So proud of yall!