Friday, April 13, 2012

Whole30 Update #3

We are here...alive and kicking still.

This is hard work, but we are making it. We just completed Day 12 of our 30 days. This has even stressed our marriage a bit too. Mostly because I feel like I'm always doing the dishes, but Teddy feels like he is always doing the dishes. Reality is...WE ARE BOTH ALWAYS DOING DISHES. :) It takes some serious team work here.

Like I mentioned in last update (here) we decided to scale back this week on crazy recipes and such. Not only was it exhausting doing that day after day, we felt like we were throwing cold hard cash right out the window. Sure, we are seeing results and feeling better...but DANG it was expensive last week. We wanted to scale back to get a more realistic idea of what this could look like after the 30 days.

At this point I'm excited to switch to the REAL paleo diet once we are done with the Whole30. Because with that we can make this AMAZING looking cake and a bunch of other gluten-free goodness. We can't have honey or any type of flour during the Whole30.... and many yummy recipes call for it (desserts). So after the 30 days I will get to test out other foods. I'm interested in seeing what gluten free would be like too. We'll see what happens.

I was thinking today that the one food that I think I will have a hard time giving up forever are donuts. I me crazy. Through this process I have cut my cravings for most anything out. It's pretty crazy. But we drove past a Jack-n-Jill donuts today and mind went wild thinking about a warm, gooey, donut. Seriously...:)

Even though they told us not to weigh ourselves through this process, we decided we were going too. :) Just once a week to see if we have lost anymore that week or not.

Here are some of the things we've been eating this week...

 Highlight of the week: Meatza. This was yummy! The dough/crust is ground turkey. Sauce is homemade salsa we made. Topped with mushrooms, red onion, red/yellow/orange peppers, cilantro, and avocado. Easy and yummy!

 We were on the hunt for coconut milk. It's official...the kind in a can is GROSS. The kind in a carton is good. Is it fully legal for us to have the kind in a carton, we aren't sure. But the chucky nasty-ness of the can made us just move forward in our decision. :)

 I had fish a lot for lunch this week. Just broil it in the oven for 5 mins and it's done. It was painless. I just mixed up the seasonings to help some.

Teddy's favorite of the week: Fruit Smoothie. We found a recipe that was pretty darn good. And that's coming from a girl who isn't really into smoothies (mostly due to the seeds I'm having to crunch on with every sip). Strawberry, pineapple, blueberry, banana (all were frozen), coconut milk (from the carton of course) and PURE apple juice (no sugars or anything extra in it). Tasting apple juice was a miracle in its self. I've basically only had water for 2 weeks. Apple juice tasted ridicously good. So much so I had a cup this morning for breakfast & currently sipping on it now too. I wasn't ever that big of an apple juice fan...i'm now a LARGE HUGE GIGANTIC fan. What is whole30 doing to me?!?!

We still have to use our eggplant we bought. We have a recipe we will most likely cook tomorrow. And speaking of eggplant, I cannot stand the feel of it...not to mention I think it looks like a giant cockroach. the second I touched it for the first time at the grocery store I put it down immediately. I made Teddy put it in the bag and still get disgusted when I think about it. He will be handling the dang eggplant tomorrow. You can pray that I can eat it. I might just have to close my eyes and eat away. haha. The recipe looks good.

Anyways, just thought I would update you guys. We are hanging in there. Definitely a struggle at times because I just want to eat OUT. Not because I'm craving anything in particular...but just tired of cooking and cleaning constantly. This is the longest I have ever gone without eating out...11 days. Tonight (day 12) we finally just went to marketstreet and picked up a rotisserie chicken and made our own salad there. Brought it home and put our salsa on for the dressing. It was freeing to toss our container in the trash and not clean a darn thing. It's the little things people. Old habits DO die hard.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...thats crazy. Yeah cooking and cleaning when I lived on my own (esp on a missionary budget) was all I did. Then again I was cooking for one..but I had people over all the time. Yea, idk. keep up the good work! The habits yall are forming are and will do wonders for your health.