Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mrs. Lytle here :)

Linda Schilberg Photography is giving away a FREE session of your choice! Go enter to win!

I'm trying to win this because i think it would be fun for my HUSBAND and I...or to actually give away to a couple. Who knows! I thought I might as well try!

and yes...i have a husband now. :) March 14 was a blast. Perfect day for our perfect wedding.
honeymoon was wonderful. relaxed ALOT...and wasn't ran by time...which is great. Now...well now im sick as a dog.

I started feeling it on Monday & finally went to the doctor today to find out that I caught a bug in Mexico. I had to pee in a cup, get blood drawn, and leave a stool sample (yuck!). i have medicine now...but I don't want to take it...mostly because he said it will make me worse first...because it's clearing me out. BLAH. but at least it will help & so yea, i will be taking it. Teddy said, "we paid for are using it". haha. i love him.

he's been kind. at this point i'm grateful that he works at night. because the past 3 days he's been at home with me. yes he might be sleeping, but at least he is here when i feel bad. At night, im just sleeping so I don't really NEED his company...ya know? So yea, we are blessed with his hours so far. plus we found out that every other weekend he has completely off. friday, saturday, and sunday...and then doesn't go into work until Monday night. We will get to have some weekends together & that makes me happy.

some wedding pics have been posted on facebook. we got our wedding video TODAY! I love it already. I told Teddy I will probably watch it again and again here in the beginning. It was just a good day. lots of laughter!

Im laying in bed next to my boo right now. Because he only got 5 hours of sleep...due to taking me to the doctor today, he wanted to lay down for an hour or so before work. so here I lay, in hte dark listening to him breathe and sleep. i like it. :)

-Kelli Lytle

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